Month: May 2018

  • Salmon Flies and High Water

    There was never a question that we would see high water on the Henry’s fork in twenty eighteen, it was just a matter of when.Despite substantially higher winter release of water, Island Park Reservoir was filled to near capacity by late February. With a snow pack well above average and only about…

  • Report May 25, 2018

    Fishing Report: Chasing the Salmonflies I am sitting at the bar at Trouthunter watching the water race by outside. The river is bank full due to yesterday’s water releases from the Island Park Dam. Twenty-four hours ago the river was running at around 750 cfs it is now well over 1700 cfs….

  • Report May 14, 2018

    Fishing Report May 11, 2018The osprey are back and on their nests, the antelope are out on the Flat Ranch meadows and the curlews have joined them; the bears are coming out of their dens and several have been spotted around the area, and I’m back from my winter fly fishing show tour. Doug…