Month: July 2020

  • Warm Days on the Henry’s Fork

    With the rays of a low angled sun filtering through a shimmering cloud of transparent wings, the day holds promise. You must rise early to catch the Trico spinner fall on placid water coursing slowly through broad meadows that are now beginning to assume the auburn hue of an approaching autumn. In…

  • Report 7/27/20

    From Jamie at HFF: "Outflow from Island Park Dam is being decreased this morning (7/27) in two, ~100 cfs increments to a new estimated outflow of ~1,150 cfs. The stream gage is still reading a bit high due to aquatic vegetation in the stream channel.Outflow will likely be reduced further this…

  • Report 7/20/20

    Report 7/20/20

    1680 cfs. Yes, 1680. There’s a lot of water moving out back at this writing. We should only have a few days left at this level, and it’s anticipated that this will be max outflow for the remainder of the summer. We should start seeing incremental drops in flow in the next week or so…

  • Report 7/13/20

    Bad news first. We didn’t get the hopeful 1200 cfs max out of Island Park Reservoir last week. Flows are currently running at about 1550 cfs. Here’s a quick note from the Foundation: "Outflow from Island Park Dam was increased this morning (7/10) by ~300 cfs to a new outflow of ~1,550 cfs to…

  • Report 7/7/20

    Summer has arrived here in Island Park — finally. While the cooler temps and clouds were great for fishing, it’s been nice to see the sun. (We’ll probably be praying for clouds and rain in a week or two). With that said, fishing continues to be very good. To date, hatches have been excellent…

  • Escape to the Water

    As a year-round resident of the Henry’s Fork, I am given opportunity to access its riches in all seasons. Because there is more to existence than fishing, the quality of life in this remote community also hinges on a unique element of safety that in recent years has actually superseded the…