Month: July 2022

  • Hot Days and High Water

    For good reason, June is the month chosen by many fly fishers for a visit to the Henry’s Fork.Consistently would describe the primary elements that June typically brings to the fortunes of those who probe the fertile waters of the world renown trout stream. This applies in particular to…

  • Report 7/18/22

    Report 7/18/22

    Greetings from Island Park. Hard to believe it’s already mid-July, and honestly, it’s fishing and feeling like mid-summer. Things have slowed down around here, especially during midday heat. We’ve been getting some afternoon storms which have briefly cooled it down, but afternoon temps are in…

  • Report 7/11/22

    Hello all. I hope you’ve been able to get out and wet a line wherever you’re reading this from. We’ve had a pretty solid week of fishing until flows came up Friday. Fingers crossed draft will stop at 1500 cfs which is still fishable. The water is a bit off-color and will probably remain so…

  • Report 7/4/2022

    Happy Fourth of July! As expected, draft from IP Reservoir began this week. We should see flows peak at normal summer outflow of 1500 cfs in the coming days. Water clarity has been quite good the last week, but turbidity should increase with the push in flows, at least for a few days. The river…