Zach Wheeler

Zach Wheeler and client hold up a large brown trout
Zach Wheeler

Hometown St. Anthony, ID

Resides Island Park, ID

Zach was born and raised in southeastern Idaho and has spent his entire life along the banks of the Henry’s Fork. Zach was taken under the wing of his legendary grandfather, René Harrop, at a very early age. The invaluable lessons learned fishing alongside grandpa put Zach on the path to becoming the prodigious angler, fly tyer, and guide that he is today. Not only was Zach the youngest guide to ever join TroutHunter’s roster, he was also asked to join the pro staffs of Scott rods and Hatch reels before reaching legal drinking age. With an intense predatory nature balanced with a calm, approachable demeanor, he is known for finding and getting big trout in the net for his clients. Zach recently moved up to Island Park full time with his wife and kids. An accomplished and avid hunter, Zach spends his off season chasing everything from deer and elk to ducks and grouse.