Report June 14, 2019

This past weekend saw our weather change drastically. Day time high temperatures dropped from the 60’s and 70’s to the 40’s and low 50’s. Nighttime temps were at or near freezing. Along with dropping temperatures came heavy rains in the valleys and upwards of two feet of new snow in the mountains above 7,000 feet. This moisture added more water to local rivers already bank full due to melting winter snowpack. The main consequence from this late Spring storm was to pretty much put an end to what had been a good salmon fly hatch. Otherwise the very inclement weather and rising water levels seemed to affect the fish very little. There may not have been many dry fly opportunities during the stormy weather but the nymph and streamer fishing held up very well for those anglers who braved the elements and continued to fish in spite of the lousy weather.

Box Canyon:The “Box” continues to produce very good fishing with nymphs and streamers. This past weekend’s storm really took its toll on the salmon fly hatch but there are still a few adults flying around so I wouldn’t totally give up on fishing an adult salmon fly imitation as an indicator fly with a small rubber leg or beadhead nymph dropped underneath. We have started to see a few golden stones flying around and this hatch should continue to develop over the next few days and weeks.

Last Chance Area:Fishing on this section of the Henry’s Fork can best be described as spotty. There are still a few March Brown’s hatching along with some caddis providing fishermen with occasional dry fly opportunities.

Wood Road:Fishing on this section of the river has been much more consistent than up stream at Last Chance. The March Brown’s and caddis are hatching in greater numbers and with more regularity than the Last Chance area. Fishermen have also reported seeing a few PMD’s on the water. I was walking my dog along the river last evening around seven o’clock and there were lots of fish rising to caddis. There wasn’t a single fisherman on the river. If you plan on fishing this part of the river you might want to hang around until the evening hours.

Warm River to Ashton: Fishing on this section of the river has been very good to excellent. The presence of golden stones and caddis is providing fishermen with plenty of dry fly opportunities. Nymph and streamer fishing have been producing solid results. I recommend nymphing the top half of this section and dry dropper fishing the bottom half.
Ora to Chester/Chester to the Fun Farm: Both of these sections of the Henry’s Fork have been fishing lights out. The presence of hatching golden stones, caddis, March Browns, PMD’s and a few flavs have the rainbows and browns down here on the feed big time. Nymphs, dries and streamers are all producing good results.


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