Report 6/12/13

The fishing up around these parts has been nothing less than fantastic the past few weeks. The unseasonably warm weather has really pushed the bug movement into high gear…..and the Trout haven taken notice. For the most part, all throughout the system, the Salmonflies have finished their yearly crawl & flight and are being followed up by the 1st Golden Stoneflies of the season. The March Browns and Baetis are winding down, but the PMD’s are wasting no time filling the void. The Green Drakes are eager to pop and the Caddis activity has provided some outstanding fishing opportunities as of late. Add to that a solid selection of terrestrial insects and these fat- sassy Henry’s Fork Trout have a full menu……and plate. Fish condition is awesome, the weather is yummy & the fly-fishing options are many. Here’s a run down of what to expect should you find yourself on the hallowed waters of our beloved Henry’s Fork.

BOX CANYON: The Salmonfies are all but wrapped up. You may see a rando flying here & there, but you’d be better off focusing your efforts on the Golden flight, which has just started. Look for bugs hitting the water & focus your presentations on middle river. The Caddis are thick at times and nymphing with small bead-head Caddis & Mayfly patterns is really starting to heat up. A rubber-leg / bead-head dropper combo assault is a deadly approach. This is a great time to nymph the flashy stuff, so make sure to have a little bling in your box. Look for solid dry fly opportunities in the lower canyon thru Last Chance and don’t be scared to pull a streamer early & late in the day.

LAST CHANCE & THE WOOD ROAD: The PMD’s are coming on strong and were already starting to see worthy spinner falls as the result. Couple that with heavy daily Caddis movement and a good terrestrial option, and it?s enough to give any Ranch- Head the jitters. If the weather and flows remain on track, look for Green Drakes to explode a tad early this year. Angler success has been favorable, leading us to believe that the Ranch opener will be anything less than full-on-outstanding….so that’s pretty cool.

LOWER MESA TO ASHTON: The canyon section all the way to the meeting with Ashton Res. has been fishing great. Golden Stones with rubber-leg and bead-head droppers are the standard M.O., but the streamer fishing can really turn the big hoss this time of year. Look for pods of fish up on Caddis, PMD & Green Drake as well. The area around Stone Bridge is a fun option for the walk-wade angler and deep nymphing rigs are a recipe for sure success.

LOWER RIVER: The Golden Stone fishing can be superb at times and we’re seeing strong Caddis, PMD & even a little Green Drake activity. A Gray Drake appearance should happen soon. Small bead-head Caddis & Mayfly droppers will only add to angler success. The rubber-leg is an old stand-by, so have a few of those in the box. This sector should really blow up over the next few weeks. Get those presentations in tight to the bank with a drag free drift and hold on. Days with un-settled weather and the morning/evening fishing demand a few pulls of the streamer so come prepared. The Trout are large and in charge, making for some truly epic angling opportunities.

Stop by the Fly Shop for real time angling/condition reports, the best gear on the planet or just to pick from our colossal fly selection. We’re open from 7am to 9pm – 7 days a week, so the timing is always right!

And don’t forget, TroutHunter presents the 15th annual Ranch Opener Party this Friday June 14th. A Hog Roast, Live Music with the bus Driver Tour and enough spirit filled good times to rival any good time in history. Be there or be the 1st person on the Ranch Saturday morning… choose.