Author: René Harrop

  • A Grand Opening

    With year around fishing on some stretches and others opening on Memorial Day weekend, the Henry’s Fork in Island Park has been far from deserted since early May. In the minds of most, however, the season does not truly begin until fishing is allowed in the Harriman Ranch. As much a social…

  • 2012: A Forecast

    2012: A Forecast

    Throughout my entire memory I have relied on a fixed set of indicators when attempting to predict what lies ahead in a new year on the Henry’s Fork. Reflection on the previous season is the general starting point. A season of weak hatches and low trout populations are seldom followed by…

  • Transition


    In a land where seasons respect no fixed date, spring in Henry’s Fork country is a process of separation between the longest and shortest seasons of the year. For an angler, winter can be a six month ordeal that arrives abruptly with heavy snow and frigid temperatures that care nothing…

  • 2011 in Review

    No year-end summary would ever be complete without describing how water, in its various forms, affected the fishing during a season that has just ended. On the Henry’s Fork it begins with the snow pack which combines with water carried over in the Island Park Reservoir to determine winter…

  • Revival – Chapter II

    The mood of the Henry’s Fork community in May of 2010 was one of cautious expectation and optimism. With a new season directly ahead all visible signs were positive with regard to the health of the fishery. 2009 had ended on an amazingly favorable note with hatches and the resultant fishing…

  • Looking forward to 2010

    Observing the Henry’s Fork through the winter of 2009/2010 has been vastly different from the previous two years. Comparatively modest snowfall and mild temperatures provided unusual comfort to all river dependent creatures both aquatic and otherwise. Wintering whitetail deer were not forced…

  • 2009: A Year to Remember

    It was with guarded optimism that we entered the 2009 fishing season on the Henry’s Fork. Adequate winter flows and relatively mild temperatures are typically considered a recipe for strong hatches and healthy trout populations. With both components in place it was somewhat surprising when March…

  • Fall Hunting on Henry’s

    There is something bordering on sinister when a half dozen top Henry’s fork guides are joined by still water master Gareth Jones from Wales and one of Japan’s most aggressive and effective anglers, Masa Katsumata for a four day assault on a single body of water. But this was the picture in late…

  • Drake Withdrawal

    While easy fishing is seldom associated with the Henry’s Fork, a month long period beginning in mid June produced something that came pretty close. Green, Brown, and Gray Drakes are all size twelve or larger and the effect they have on trout is quite different than the usual insect fare on…

  • Hooky at Sheridan

    Dawn on a day in mid August felt more like September as Rich and I made our way west on Yale Kilgore road. Smoke hung low over the Centennial Range mixing with dust from the fire crews assigned to manage the Willow Creek fire. Crowding the shoulder, I allowed plenty of clearance for more than…