Author: René Harrop

  • A Time of Choices

    When options for fishing opportunity become the topic of interest, October could easily rank near the top for planning time on the water in Henry’s Fork country.With no seasonal closure as an obstacle and most rivers and lakes in excellent condition, anglers are generally free to enjoy a wide…

  • A Taste of Fall

    A Taste of Fall

    With daylight hours shrinking noticeably and the shoulder temperatures of each day matching similar decline, you can sense the change.Fall comes early in the high country and the signs of its approach have now begun to appear. Changing colors in the aspen groves, though currently modest, signal the…

  • The Longest Summer

    With a hard frost virtually certain in every month of the year and a vagrant snow storm equally likely, summer at high elevation in Henry’s Fork country is known to be pathetically short. With that in mind, the weather pattern through half of June and all of July could not be more contrary to…

  • Water, Weather, and Wellness

    In a year when mountain snowpack has failed to reach ideal level, concern for our fisheries has been the understandable response in the Henry’s Fork community. With the expectation of lower-than-normal runoff, water managers have meticulously regulated release from Island Park Reservoir in the…

  • Awakening

    While the pronouncement has not always been supported by representative weather, spring has arrived on the Henry’s Fork. Perhaps the most notable seasonal indicator is a sizable increase in drift boat traffic on the lower river now that launch sites are finally free of snow. In a year of less…

  • Finding Spring

    As can happen in Henry’s Fork country, the vernal equinox arrived with a winter storm that served as a reminder that nature is fully in charge of seasonal affairs. Though it began as heavy rain on the evening before, the first day of spring welcomed several inches of heavy, wet snow to cancel…

  • Breakout

    For much of Idaho and other states in the Rocky Mountain west, March represents the connection point for spring. At lower elevation, folks are often anticipating the opening of golf courses and trading cross country skis for bicycles as seasonal change seems to obey the calendar. But it is a…

  • The Process of Change

    For much of the past three years we have fished in the presence of major alteration at one of the more prominent access points on the Henry’s Fork.Whether floating or wading, the sight and sounds associated with replacement of the ancient bridge at Ora were a constant reminder that change is…

  • Brightness in a Dark Year

    It has been widely noted that pandemic restricted urban dwellers targeted the outdoors for relief in 2020. Here on the Henry’s Fork, we were on the receiving end of a sizable invasion of pressured people searching for some semblance of freedom and well-being.Though limited to citizens of the…

  • Lucky People

    In the high elevation of Henry’s Fork country, inconsistent is the only way to describe fall weather. Certainly, there are times when one can be convinced that winter lies far into the distance when the temperature is comfortable and the trout are rising. In most years, winter type weather is…