Author: René Harrop

  • Optimism on the Henry’s Fork

    Optimism on the Henry’s Fork

    On the Henry’s Fork, I know few who would challenge May as the most anticipated month of the year.With a long winter safely behind and a new season freshly at hand, a sense of excitement and anticipation permeates the population of we who call this place home. This is despite the anxiety that…

  • Storm over Harriman

    Storm over Harriman

    With the Idaho Legislature now adjourned for the year, we who care for the Henry’s Fork and the Harriman Ranch in particular can finally breathe a sigh of relief.House Bill 496 which carried a provision that could have resulted in ownership of the State Park being returned to the Harriman…

  • Resisting Despair

    Resisting Despair

    Whether expressed vocally or in writing, John McDaniel’s words always carry weight with me. His report of the 2017 season on the Harriman Ranch (February 15, 2018 under Tangles-Guide’s Blog) continues the respect I hold for this thoughtful and passionate friend.Like John, I have agonized…

  • The TroutHunter in Winter

    The drive from St. Anthony to Island Park is one I have made countless times. Through most of the year it is a routine trip that is covered in well under an hour, but in winter it can become something of an adventure. It was that way last Saturday when I headed back to the…

  • What I Didn’t See In 2017

    What I Didn’t See In 2017

    For the most part, January on the Henry’s Fork is a time of contemplation for we who do not leave. Frigid temperatures and deepening snow can keep a fly fisherman indoors for extensive periods when most matters relating to fishing exist only in the mind. Thoughts of the river and the year just…

  • Remembering a Gentleman

    Remembering a Gentleman

    To my knowledge, he never lived in Idaho but Jim Dean was as much a part of the Henry’s Fork fishing community as nearly any resident.For several decades this unique man from North Carolina was a regular summer feature on the river and the lives he touched were many. For many of us, the…

  • Remnants

    Rather than choices, it is shrinking daylight hours and weather that limit outdoor activity as another season comes to a close.A sunset that travels noticeably south along Thurman Ridge lengthens the evening shadows over Harriman Ranch as autumn days end more than three hours earlier than the…

  • The Final Month

    The Final Month

    While we are barely at its doorstep, it seems as though October arrived more than two weeks ago. In fact, there were days when cold wind and heavy snow gave the impression that the tenth month had been skipped completely and we had jumped directly into November. Fortunately, the sustained…

  • A Bridge Between Seasons

    A Bridge Between Seasons

    Although signs of change usually begin to appear by mid-August, September marks the transition of summer into fall in the high country. While the days become noticeably shorter and the mornings much cooler, early September retains many of the characteristics of summer. On the river we are…

  • A Better Time for the  Henry’s Fork

    A Better Time for the Henry’s Fork

    Thus far, the summer of 2017 has found the Henry’s Fork fishing community in better spirits than has been observed in recent memory. Through four consecutive years late June through most of August were marked by unusually high and sediment laden flows from Island Park Reservoir. With oxygen…