Author: René Harrop

  • Choices


    Words by Ren Harrop. Photos by Bonnie Harrop. Modeling by Trico Harrop. There comes a time in each year when it can seem that the population of Last Chance, Idaho is comprised equally of humans and Labrador Retrievers. Sharing sunrise over decoys on a crisp morning with a faithful companion…

  • September


    Words by Ren Harrop. Photos by Bonnie Harrop. In the upper reaches of Henry’s Fork country, September can seem as a season unto itself. This is especially apparent within the mountain community of Last Chance, Idaho where cultural rhythms bend almost instantly to a 30 day period when various…

  • A Tough Time

    A Tough Time

    It is June 20, 2015 and there is joy in the community of Last Chance, Idaho. At the access on the north boundary of Harriman Ranch dozens of vehicles fill the large parking area before the giant, white tent that appears at this location each year at this time. They belong to a large gathering…

  • Five Degrees of Excellence (A Perfect Day)

    Five Degrees of Excellence (A Perfect Day)

    Because I enjoy fishing more than most other things in life, there is seldom reason to complain about any day spent on the water. Realistically, however, the five ingredients I consider necessary for perfect fishing seldom all occur in the same day. This is why a day spent on the lower Fork just a…

  • Unsung Heroes

    Unsung Heroes

    Like the proverbial moth to a flame, I have always been drawn to fly shops. And while other features near my home in Last Chance, Idaho possess stronger attraction, it is a rare day that I do not spend time in the TroutHunter Fly Shop. As one of three first rate operations separated by little…

  • May


    At tall elevation, the arrival of May marks the true end of winter, even in years like 2014 when Bonnie and I moved back to Island Park in a whiteout blizzard as heavy as any I have ever experienced. While remnant snow drifts from the winter past will often remain through most of the month,…

  • The Road to Last Chance

    The Road to Last Chance

    It is only during the last four years that a winter drive to Last Chance from St. Anthony was not usually prompted by a business matter or a quick in and out visit with the TroutHunter guys. This changed rather abruptly when the water from Island Park Dam to the north boundary of the Harriman…

  • Signs


    At a mile or so above sea level in the northern hemisphere, winter’s journey to the season of renewal is marked by pitiful increments of advancement in temperature and daylight hours. It is not until February when the average high inches above the freezing mark and sunset moves past 6 P.M….

  • 2014: A Strange Year

    2014: A Strange Year

    In a winter rescued by late snow in March and April, flows on the Henry’s Fork met survival needs for trout and insects. And while short of the ideal levels of recent years, water managers and the Henry’s Fork Foundation deserve credit for considering the fishery at a time when low…

  • For Love of a River

    For Love of a River

    As a younger man, the thought of more than a few days away from fishing could bring on a state of self-pity based on deprival. This would invariably happen in December when seasonal closings or frigid conditions began to restrict opportunity for pursuing trout on the Henry’s Fork. Although…