Category: Tangles – Guides Blog

  • Sgamma Montana

    Sgamma Montana

    Opening weekend in Montana is always the 3rd Saturday in May, usually a time of high and muddy water throughout the region. The family and I were opening up the cabin on Henrys Lake and getting excited and ready for another guide season at TroutHunter. Our time together becomes a premium…

  • The Thrill of the Chase

    The Thrill of the Chase

    In 1994 I took my first trip to the greater Yellowstone area. I travelled with a close friend who is infamously known in many circles as ‘Cheeseburger Paul.’ I met Paul when I was 15 inside his World Famous Ted’s Steamed Cheeseburger Restaurant. The steamed cheeseburger is a…

  • Pat’s Streamers

    TroutHunter is happy to announce that our very own Guide Pat Gaffney is offering up some of his flies for purchase. Pat is both a well-rounded guide and angler. Check it out and you won’t be disappointed in supporting Pat’s hardworking fishy lifestyle… Most everyone I have encountered was…

  • Shock Therapy

    For years, the lower Henry’s Fork has flown under the radar, taking a bit of a back seat to the more famous Harriman State Park section of river in Island Park. Walk into a fly shop where I’m from ‘back east’ and mention the Henry’s Fork, and talk will quickly turn to ‘the Ranch’ and…

  • Call from the Hall

    Call from the Hall

    As a sports fan, March is arguably the best time of year. It’s hard to beat the intensity and excitement of a buzzer-beater in NCAA Basketball’s March Madness Tournament, but there is also the NFL’s free agency period, the NBA trade deadline has just passed, the NHL is in the midst of its…

  • Winter’s Beat

    Winter’s Beat

    As I go outside to start my truck, the morning air is damn cold, the kind of biting cold that freezes my nostrils when I breathe in, and leaves my breath frozen to my beard. Add to that cold a swift north wind, and you have yourself a recipe to stay in the cabin close…

  • Out Like a Lamb?

    Out Like a Lamb?

    Where I grew up in Connecticut, the expression, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb,” generally holds true. As does the old saying that, "April showers bring May flowers.” I would imagine that there are already some early daffodils blooming in New England. However…

  • Golden Memories

    Golden Memories

    How infatuated are TroutHunter guides with the Henry’s Fork? Well, if it’s any indication, last August 1st I became no less than the sixth member of the TH family to be married in a streamside ceremony. Rich and Millie Paini, Marty and Kate Reed, Brad and Ann Marie Miller, and Jake and Jen…

  • It’s a Family Affair

    Okay, so I apologize for the lack of an update for a couple months, but you try running 70-something trips to date in your first year of guiding full time and see if your fingers want to type at the end of the day. Between rowing and tying and UNTYING knots, I’ll seriously wager a…

  • A Team Effort

    A Team Effort

    My appreciation for Tennessee grew tremendously following my latest guiding experience. My fondness for the state was previously based solely on a gentleman named Jack Daniels but now I have two more reasons, Trey and Jared. Trey played ball for the Broncos, Jets, and Bills as a center, and Jared…