Report 10/23/12

October is a symphony of permanence and change” ~ B.W. Overstreet

It’s fine time here in Henry’s Fork Country folks. The luke warm air of late summer has moved south, leaving us with a welcome crisp feel to the morning air. The waterfowl are dropping in, the trout are hungry & the crowds have thinned to a season low. To say we have a sportsman paradise here would be an understatement. As bittersweet as October can be, with an inevitable & encroaching winter, the season offers anglers & hunters alike unique opportunities not realized during other months of the year. The local attitude isn’t strictly geared towards just fishing anymore, as days are best spent with a cast & blast approach. And just like clock-work, the Baetis hatches of October are in full swing, with strong reliable hatches occurring daily. A few midges are starting to show as well, and these hatches will only intensify, becoming more valid, as we move through October and in to the winter months. In between chasing fish with the dry-fly, the Streamer fishing is hard to beat this time of year. Big dressed up Browns hit with charged aggression & hefty sassy Rainbows have a hard time passing up a big meaty Streamer, as they pack on weight to sustain through the cold months ahead. Yes indeed folks, Winter is hot on our heels, but there’s still plenty of time to enjoy the great fishing the Henry’s Fork affords in the late season.

With flows this low, floating the Box is becoming a faint memory….or a futile endeavor. It can still be done, but a walk/wading approach is probably better suited for fishing….and the bottom of the boat. Anglers willing to hike in will find outstanding fishing as the lower flow forces higher concentrations of fish in water only recognized when the river drops this low. Swing Streamers through likely holding water or rig up with Rubberlegs and Beadhead nymphs for steady results. On the right day, you may find a good Baetis hatch up toward the dam which will bring good fish to the surface.

Baetis is the name of the game here and it’s gentleman’s hours, with the hatch kicking off in the early afternoon & usually enticing trout until around the 5 o’clock hour. Be prepared with Blue Wing patterns in size 20 & 22. The fish aren’t seeing the pressure they saw just a month ago, but still demand a stealthy approach and drag free drift. The midge fishing will become a more viable choice as the days, & nights, continue to cool. The Ranch remains open through the end of November, so there’s still plenty of time to take advantage of those hefty-rewarding Rainbows.

This section is a great fall time float option. You can never go wrong here with a Rubberleg / Zebra combo, but the colder season also affords anglers great opportunities at big fish with large Streamer patterns. Strip big articulated junk to aggravate those aggressive Browns. On the right day, good numbers of trout can be found feeding on Baetis & Midges, so don’t forget the dry-fly box.