Report 8/27/15

This weeks forecast looks more like what we expect this time of year, and as we warm up. Look for the honey ants and other terrestrial insects to show in force. All of the upper stretches of the Henry’s Fork are fishing well and will continue to do so as we move through the end of August and into autumn. Henry’s Lake is queued up to really turn on anytime now, so be ready for that. Here’s a run down of what’s poppin’ on the Fork.

BOX CANYON: Flows if the Box are currently 734cfs. The nymph fishing through the canyon has been outstanding. Start with a rubber-leg pattern and drop small bead head nymphs off the back for best results. The streamer fishing is getting better by the day. Streamer patterns dressed as juvenile sculpin and rainbow trout typically get the job done. On he lower end of the canyon through Last Chance, watch for good trout to be rising to caddis, PMD and callibaetis…or mow the bank with a hopper or ant pattern.

THE RANCH: With the warming trend this week, look for more flying ants to show. We’re also seeing good hatches of callibaetis, trico and PMD’s. Mahogany Duns and Blue Winged Olives are starting to show as well. Evening and early day spinner falls continue, which can provide anglers with plenty of targets. Have a strong selection of terrestrial offerings to complete your ranch arsenal. A hopper pattern over a tough fish will usually yield a great reward.

WARM RIVER – ASHTON: As it is with the Box Canyon, this stretch fishes best this time of year with double nymph rigs. The ‘ol rubber-leg to bead head dropper is sure tough to beat. Mix up the dropper until you find the hot ticket and then hold on! Running the hopper-dropper is a great option as well, this particularly effective when fished closer to the bank and around structure. In low light conditions, bust out the heavy duty ordinance and rip streamers off the edge to wrangle the big boys that call this stretch home. 

LOWER RIVER: Still warm and weedy, but on cool and dark days, the trout will respond to streamer patterns fairly well. Best to look at other venues until this stretch cools off a bit more. 

THE LAKES: Henry’s has been a little spotty still, but on the right day, the fish are cooperating. Watch for the fishing here to really improve over the next few weeks as the water cools and the brook trout start to stack up around the creek mouths staging for their spawn. The callibaetis hatches on Hebgen are waining a bit, but are still strong enough to warrant a look. If the wind plays nice, throwing terrestrials patterns at cruising trout can fill the mid day void. Add a dropper to increase hook-ups. Midge hatches will start to play a more important role over the next few weeks. 

THE MADISON:  Have caddis, PMD, baetis and terrestrial patterns if you’re planning a trip. A cinnamon ant can really turn the trick this time of year. Pack the streamer box along as well, those big rainbows and browns love the big meal. Double nymph rigs are the standard and will most certainly put fish in the net.


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