Report June 4, 2018

We have started to see adult salmon flies emerging in the Box Canyon and below and above the Coffee Pot Canyon. The hatch in both sections should be in full swing over the next couple of days. Presently the big bugs are out in full force from Riverside down to the Warm River. As anyone who is familiar with the river knows these two sections have limited and difficult access. Those individuals who have accepted the challenge have reported excellent fishing with both nymph and adult salmon fly imitations. Farther down on the river the big bugs have started to thin out but working the water with an adult salmon fly imitation will still produce decent results.
Box Canyon: The biggest obstacle to fishing the Box over the past week or so has been the lousy weather we have been experiencing. Between torrential rain storms the Box has been producing good fishing primarily with nymphs. Double nymph rigs dead drifted deep and slow has produced the best results. Try a size #6 black or brown Rubber Leg with a size #14 or #16 red, olive or brown beadhead Zebra Midge. We have had a report or two of fish being taken on top fishing adult salmon fly imitations.
Last Chance Area: The fishing on this section of the river was pretty exciting over the past couple of days. With the inclement weather came some heavy March Brown hatches that put the fish on the feed providing those individuals who were on the water with some very good dry fly opportunities.
Warm River to Ashton: Excellent fishing on this section of the river. There are still a few salmon flies around, the golden stones have started to hatch, there are plenty of caddis out and the PMD’s have started to show up as well. These hatching insects are providing the fishermen with great dry fly, nymph and streamer fishing opportunities.
Ora to Chester and Chester to the Fun Farm: Fishing on both sections can be described as good. The cold and rainy weather that we have had to deal with over the past week keeps us from calling it anything better than just good. With the break in the weather these two sections should go from just good fishing to excellent. There are plenty of bugs hatching down here and that should produce excellent feeding situations for the fish. Like the Warm River section upstream there are still a few adult salmon flies around, the golden stones are hatching, caddis are everywhere and the PMD’s are just starting. We are already seeing fish selectively feeding on these early PMD’s. The great thing about these early PMD’s is that the adult duns are a size #14 (well maybe a size #15) but they are large compared to what is to follow.


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