Month: May 2012

  • Report 5/23/12

    Report 5/23/12

    The fishing season here on the Henry’s Fork fired a little sooner than usual last week with the arrival of the Salmonflies. Our quiet little fishing village exploded with energy almost overnight. On most years, we don’t witness this occurrence until the Memorial Holiday Weekend, but with…

  • Pile of Guts

    Pile of Guts

    In anticipation of sun eclipsing mobs of Salmonfly adults, the native anglers here get a little up-tight and walk around with a hard case of itchy trigger finger, twitching helplessly with a nervous tic for hours on end. A few quick hours on some of our local still-waters is a quick and sure…

  • Shock Therapy

    For years, the lower Henry’s Fork has flown under the radar, taking a bit of a back seat to the more famous Harriman State Park section of river in Island Park. Walk into a fly shop where I’m from ‘back east’ and mention the Henry’s Fork, and talk will quickly turn to ‘the Ranch’ and…

  • 2012: A Forecast

    2012: A Forecast

    Throughout my entire memory I have relied on a fixed set of indicators when attempting to predict what lies ahead in a new year on the Henry’s Fork. Reflection on the previous season is the general starting point. A season of weak hatches and low trout populations are seldom followed by…

  • Report 5/11/12

    Report 5/11/12

    Good news friends; Things are really starting to warm up here in the Caldera. The remaining snow is hardly noticeable, trees are budding & the grass in front of the shop already needs a cut. Old man Winter is gathering the last of his things as the warmer spring days send him packing. I’d like…

  • Osprey Rescue

    Osprey Rescue

    A young female Box canyon Osprey was rescued by our two veteran TroutHunter guides, Brad Miller & Doc Martin Reed as well as our tongue twisting shop manager Chris "Grizz" Andelin. From the good folks at ISLAND PARK NEWS check out the story [click here] UPDATE SNIPPETS: From The Henry’s Fork…