Pile of Guts

In anticipation of sun eclipsing mobs of Salmonfly adults, the native anglers here get a little up-tight and walk around with a hard case of itchy trigger finger, twitching helplessly with a nervous tic for hours on end. A few quick hours on some of our local still-waters is a quick and sure fire remedy to sooth their nervous nature. Not only are we blessed with THE finest dry fly trout river in the universe, we are equally among the angels with some of the most unique and intriguing flatwater options available to humankind. Yesssir kids, we have solid viable options around our little chunk of Idaho zip code & most often, it pays fat dividends.

We carry large quivers to cover 7” blood leeches, crazy trains of choronimid lineups, rodent patrol sessions and flinging cased sedge larva the size of a 357mag casing & as big as round. This is serious business that we don’t take lightly. Yarding on hogs ain’t easy, but hey! The dudes abide.