Month: May 2017

  • Report May 24, 2017

    Salmonflies! Salmonflies! Salmonflies! Let the madness begin. The adult bugs showed up in force on Sunday and I must say it has been a pretty impressive hatch to start. The big bugs are spread out from the Ora Bridge down to the Chester backwater. Below Chester there are a few bugs…

  • Report May 17, 2017

    You know what they say! If you like/don’t like the Idaho weather just wait five minutes it will change. After treating us to five days of beautiful Spring weather at the beginning of the month Mother Nature decided it was time to slip back into winter (almost). The blue bird weather of…

  • Report May 8, 2017

    April was a lion of a month weather wise but May has come in as gentle as a lamb. Over the years I have come to look forward to the months of April and October with great anticipation. In April the summer fishermen have not arrived yet and by October they have all but left.…

  • Positives


    Anyone who fished the caldera section of the Henry’s Fork from late June through August of last year was exposed to considerable disruption in terms of water level and clarity. With flows too high for comfortable wading and clouded by sediment, some stretches between Box Canyon and Riverside…