Author: John Campbell

  • Fishing Report 8/11/24

    Fishing Report 8/11/24

    BY JOHN CAMPBELL Welp, school is quickly approaching, and it’s about time for me to head back to the classroom. It’s always a bittersweet feeling, but I’m not going too far and am looking forward to seeing the kids. This will most likely be my last report for the summer, but I’m sure Todd will…

  • Report 8/1/24

    Report 8/1/24

    TroutHunter Fishing Report 8/1/24 The big news this week is a reduction in flows out of IP Reservoir. We are currently running at 1050 cfs out of the dam this morning with a slight bump from yesterday’s release of 900. Hopefully things will stand pat for a bit with minimal to moderate adjustments in the…

  • Report 7/25/24

    Man, it’s been hot. 90 doesn’t seem too crazy for many of y’all suffering with 100+ degree heat and humidity, but at 6660 feet closer to the sun and no A/C, take my word for it. The trout are feeling it, too. That said, we are expecting a break in the coming days with highs…

  • Report 7/21/24

    Report 7/21/24

    Short and sweet this week as not much has changed fishing-wise in the area the last week. Flows are still high out of the Box Canyon and temperatures are quite warm with highs in the mid 80s all week. We are hoping for irrigation demand to decrease in the coming weeks, but no promises as…

  • Report 7/12/24

    It’s a hot one up here on the caldera! Temps in the low 90s will continue through the weekend and then look to be more seasonal down the road. The best fishing will be early and late depending on the stretch of water you’re standing in. Please make sure to handle fish carefully and spend…

  • Fishing  Report 7/3/24

    Happy Fourth of July! Weather outlook is calling for bright and sunny and a steady warming trend for the upcoming week or two. Be prepared for a stray afternoon thunder-boomer or two. We are entering summer mode around here with the better fishing happening early and late in the day. Stay safe out there! Box…

  • Report 6/14/24

    Report 6/14/24

    Ahhhh, it’s good to be back. Happy Ranch Opener! We are very excited to kick off the opening of DRY FLY FISHING in Harriman State Park. It’s been a bit of a slow start to the season up here, but we are seeing more bugs daily and a few more fish up every day as…

  • Report 8/9/22

    Hi all. Hope you’ve had a great week and were able to get outside. Good news first: outflow from IP Reservoir has decreased from 1500 to about 800 cfs this week and will hopefully hold steady for a spell. Clarity has improved dramatically as well. It’s been very un-summery the last couple of…

  • Report 8/1/22

    Hi all! Sorry I missed you last week, was down and out with Covid and not in the loop at all. But I’m back for another couple of weeks before I have to head to school. Booooo. We are in full on summer mode right now, but it looks like we are going to get…

  • Report 7/18/22

    Report 7/18/22

    Greetings from Island Park. Hard to believe it’s already mid-July, and honestly, it’s fishing and feeling like mid-summer. Things have slowed down around here, especially during midday heat. We’ve been getting some afternoon storms which have briefly cooled it down, but afternoon temps are in…