Category: Travelogue

  • Scorpion Dreams

    Scorpion Dreams

    TroutHunter guide, Tim Fischer, is spending the winter as assistant manager at famed Casa Blanca Lodge on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. He sent us this account of his first permit on the fly… I found myself afloat on Espiritu Santo bay with guide Rene and a British chap named Michael, who…

  • Chased


    It’s March Madness and my brackets got pulverized. Soccer season is over and the school year’s winding down. It’s now I get itchy. It’s now I start to turn over like a lake, swimming the fine line of clarity and grit, and there’s only so much left to do: prep my annual Trouthunter…

  • Not that Georgia…

    When asked if I was available for a photo shoot by one of my good friends and professional photographer Dan Armstrong, I immediately jumped at the offer. He kinda left me hanging for a little while, I just assumed he was wanting to snap some shots of the world famous Henry’s Fork with some guy…

  • Los Roques, Venezuela

    Los Roques, Venezuela

    Archipelago Los Roques National Park is a coral reef that sits about 80 miles off the north coast of Venezuela. Over 350 islands, islets and cayes are arranged in an oval shape around a central lagoon. It is a stunning sight from an airplane. I was pretty sure it was going to look even better…

  • Kashmir

    When I awoke to the morning call to prayer I realized that Island Park, Idaho was a long way away. It had taken us 32 hours of travel including an obligatory wide stance photo op at the stall made infamous by Idaho Senator Larry Craig. This celebration of absurdity prompted the first brush…