Interview with an Osprey

After returning from their winter habits, the Osprey have just recently began to return the Henry’s Fork. One was kind enough to take a break from trout hunting in Last Chance Run to perch up with us and answer a few questions.

FNR: ( Forkin News Reporter): Where did you grow up?
Osprey: Over near the Forest Service just off of Highway 20.

FNR: That’s a popular observation point. How did you like growing up in such a busy location?
Osprey: It was pretty tough. We had a lot of people coming around to take pictures. Mom and Dad didn’t really care for that so the both of them would go look for food. That left me and my brother and sister alone in the nest quite a bit. We always had plenty of food, and luckily there was still a lot of love in the nest. Until my sister freaked and pecked my brother to death about a week before we fledged. That was difficult, but I knew a chick that grew up on the Del Rio Bridge. You know the really big nest…anyhow she turned out really screwed up. She always flew with her fish backwards after she caught them and hated getting her head wet. Her parents never took the time to show her how to do it right they spent so much time on the nest they forgot about the chick. She spent most of her time hanging out with Eagles. I was much better adjusted on Highway 20.

FNR: You guys migrate quite a bit. Where were you last winter?
Osprey: I actually just got back from Belize. I love it down there. The people are great, the weather can’t be beat, and I love seafood. I got some buddies that are trying to drag me down to Argentina, but usually by the time I get down to Belize, I just don’t want to continue.

FNR What’s Your favorite food?
Osprey: Who set this interview up? I eat one thing – fish. All kinds. I thought I did the Ranger Rick interview last week.

FNR: OK…Rainbow or Brown?
Osprey: Lucky for me I’m not that picky and I’ve always got a lot of mouths to feed. But let me tell you if I ever bring a big cutthroat back to the nest I can usually count on the old lady puttin’ out before we roost.

FNR: I understand you can do some interesting tricks with your toes?
Osprey: Actually, many readers may not know this, but my outer toe is reversible. It really helps to grab a fish and it makes it easy to fly with the fish facing forward. It’s really one of those great examples of evolution. There is a reason why I am a fish hawk.

FNR: Who taught you to fish?
Osprey: Most people have a story about grand dad taking them to the pond when they were a kid, but for me it just came naturally. Once you’re out of the nest you can’t go back so you just hope it works out.

FNR: What was your most embarrassing moment as an Osprey?
Osprey: I was once in Seattle and some kid pointed at me and asked his dad if I was a Seahawk. I’ll never live that down.

FNR: What do we really need to know about Bald Eagles?
Osprey: Do you mean besides the fact that the are dirty scavengers? Unlike me they can’t close their nostrils, so they can’t even dive into the water. If you ever see one eating a fish he probably stole it from an Osprey. What I really can’t believe is that somehow this is your national bird. The animal kingdom is not impressed.

Editor’s Note: Apparently our Forkin’ News Reporter somehow learned how to translate Osprey to English over the course of the winter. Keep in mind that said reporter is inherently three rubberlegs shy of a girdle bug and winters are long and difficult in Island Park.  Here is the original transcript of the interview:

FNR: ( Forkin News Reporter): Where did you grow up?
Osprey: Cheep Cheep

FNR: That’s a popular observation point. How did you like growing up in such a popular location?
Osprey: Yewk Yewk yewk

FNR: You guys migrate quite a bit. Where were you last winter?
Osprey: Cheereek

FNR What’s Your favorite food?
Osprey: Cheep

FNR: That’s a price range not a food.
Osprey: Cheep ! Cheep!

FNR: OK…Rainbow or Brown?
Osprey: Yewk

FNR: I thought you said you liked fish?
Osprey: Yewk! Yewk!

FNR: Who taught you to fish?
Osprey: Cheep, Cheereek

FNR: That’s an 80’s band
Osprey: Cheep Cheereek Cheep Cheereek

FNR: What was your most embarrassing moment as an Osprey?
Osprey: Cheep cheep cheereek yewk cheep!

FNR: What do we really need to know about Bald Eagles?
Osprey: Cheereek Cheereek yewk yewk yewk


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