Report 5/5/14

Good news sports fans. The snow continues to recede and our frozen landscape is rapidly being replaced by a picturesque glimpse of the warmer seasons to come. The baetis continue to dominate the dry fly game and we’re starting to see some March Brown and caddis activity. The nymph and streamer game is producing fine results and fishing will only continue to improve with ever more appealing weather conditions.

BOX CANYON: The Box has rose steadily this past week from 230cfs to a current reading of 960cfs. The ramps are clear of snow and functional, which is really, really good news.. These flow fluctuations will likely effect the fishing, but not necessarily in a bad way. Look for displaced fish to be stacked in comfortable calm pockets. Watch for trout rising to midge and BWO’s on top and act accordingly. Nymph with a rubber-leg and BH dropper like a Zebra, PT or SJW. You can almost always entice a big boy with a streamer pattern, so don’t forget those. A skwalla pattern fished tight to the edge water will bring opportunistic trout up for a look, add a dropper to increase your odds.

LAST CHANCE: Blue Wing’s are still the name of the game. We’re seeing bug activity almost daily between the hours of one and five. There are still a few midges to fill in on the dry fly game and the March Browns will show any day. If you’re coming up (or down) watch for windows of cloudy drizzly – light wind weather in the mid 50’s.

WARM RIVER TO A TOWN: Another great float option, this stretch continues to kick out good fishing from day to day. Standard rubber-leg to a dropper rigs will disfigure fish faces all day, but for added excitement and challenge, target trout which are rising to midge, baetis, skwalla and even a few caddis. We’re seeing a few March Browns and have some skwallas ready to throw as a single or on dry dropper set up with a small rubber-leg or beadhead nymph. The streamer fishing on this section is awesome this time of year. Try big articulated patterns in olive, tan and black.  

LOWER RIVER: Flows have been fluctuating between 1550cfs and 2200cfs. This inconsistency in flows has affected the fishing, but will most certainly improve once things begin to stabilize. Watch for trout to be up on baetis, March browns and caddis. Nymphing a big rubber-leg to BH dropper is a sure fire bet and pulling big nasty streamers around will undoubtedly move heftier trout. This section will only get better as we begin to see a stronger showing of March Brown and Caddis.

LAKES: The ice is starting to peel back on IP reservoir, Hebgen and Quake lakes. The next couple of weeks will offer some fine ice off opportunities. Henry’s Lake is still capped, but should be cleared off for opening weekend.

The fly shop has been receiving some fantastic new gear and tackle for the 2014 season. Stop in to check it out, get up-to-date hatch information, and take advantage of our early season guide rates. The Bar & Grill will re-open for Mother’s Day this Sunday, May 11th. See you soon.