Report 6/7/23

Many exciting things are happening on the Henry’s Fork. First lets talk about the crowds; when the Salmonflies show up so do people! This year has been no different. There are lots of bugs and lots of boats on the lower river. There are some unwritten rules at Henry’s Fork boat ramps, follow them it will be a more enjoyable day for you and everybody else involved: There are lines at the boat ramp so get in line and wait your turn. Have your boat ready to go before you have reached the ramp as getting everything ready to go on the ramp is rude. Practice your backing skills at home. Quit yelling and screaming at each other. It’s fly fishing not a soccer game.
Box Canyon
If I wasn’t at the shop writing this fishing report I would be in the Box! More and more big bugs are crawling and flying around in the Box. Recently the fishing has been spotty due to fluctuating flows. Current flows are just over 800cfs and the reservior is at 98% of capacity. Flows may continue to change if the rain continues. If you find yourself in the Box Canyon make sure to have a handful of your favorite Salmonfly patterns. I really like a Henry’s Fork Foam stone in size 4 and 6. I would also include a big handful of size 6 Rubberlegs. Have one rod rigged up with a couple of rubber legs for the deeper runs and a second rod rigged with a dry with or without a dropper for the banks.
Warm River to Ashton
This stretch of river continues to fish very well. The big bugs have moved through for the most part but trout are still are still looking up and will eat a properly presented Salmonfly imitation. There are plenty of caddis and March Browns emerging in this section; carry some March Brown Last Chance Cripples and Hemingway Caddis. Also have some Salmonflies and Golden Stones. If you plan to fish nymphs make sure you have rubberlegs and perdigons in your box.
Ashton to St Anthony
I would give this section an A+ as it is producing great hatches at present. Caddis and March Browns are thick! Reports from anglers vary with about 75% saying there are no fish on the lower streches and the other 25% report that it is the best they have seen in years. Golden Stones, Green Drakes and PMDs are imminent. If you want to get away from the crowds consider fishing below St. Anthony; there are multiple floating opportunities and the angling in these sections can be amazing. This is the time of the year to explore new areas as there is plenty of water around.
Yellowstone Park
If you are heading into the Park this week, I would make a point of fishing the Firehole. This is a great time of the year to fish the Firehole as water temps are still on the cool side, and plenty of Baetis and PMDs are hatching with Flavs in the batters box. Between hatches consider swinging soft hackles. If you check out the Madison in the Park, keep an eye out for Salmonflies, nymphing with Rubberlegs should produce there at present.