Report 8/19/13

After some less than ideal fishing conditions through late July & early August, the fishing here on the Henry’s Fork has once again picked up to favorable action. The flows out of IP Res. have balanced out around 870 cfs making for some outstanding angling opportunities throughout the upper reaches of the Henry’s Fork drainage. Henry’s lake is starting to produce good fishing & the Hebgen gulper fishing remains strong. The Trout on the Madison are back on the feed too, making the options many should you find yourself here in Henry’s Fork country. Henry’s a run-down of what’s happening when & where.

BOX CANYON: The fishing in the Box has been really good lately, particularly the streamer fishing. Throw big weighted lead-eye Leech patterns in the deeper slots & around those big Box Canyon boulders. Hopper-dropper rigs are producing as well. The old rubberleg to bead-head combo is a daily go-to approach & sure bet, so have a bobber rig ready to go. Look for some good Callibaetis spinner fishing on the lower end of the canyon during the morning & evenings.

HARRIMAN RANCH: The honey ants are showing and the Trout are paying attention. There are also strong numbers of smaller black ants on the water. The Callibaetis hatch remains good & we’re seeing good PMD activity throughout the day, particularly in the afternoon. The spinner fishing early & late is a solid option too. It doesn’t hurt to be on the water early, take a mid-day break and return in the early afternoon for more fun. The Trout have become a tad finicky, so make a stealthy approach and present your flies with a drag free drift. Mid to late August is a fine time to walk the Ranch, the crowds are down, the fish are many & solitude is much easier to find.

CANYON STRETCH: The Lower mesa slide down to the Warm River confluence continues to fish well for those willing to put in the extra effort to get there. Hopper- dropper rigs, streamers & deep double nymph set-ups are all solid options. This is also one of the most scenic floats on the Henry’s Fork, so don’t forget to take the time to look up a bit & absorb the majestic scenery.

WR-A: This stretch continues to produce day in & day out. Standard M.O. here is a rubber-leg trailed by a smaller bead-head dropper, but this time of year, a hopper- dropper rig will likely produce positive results. Mowing the bank with big foam will bring the big boys up & the streamer fishing, early & late, can put a true brut in the net.

Warm water temps & weed growth are making this stretch a tough option. Better to focus your attention elsewhere until cooler temps & better conditions warrant feasible fishing.

HENRY’S LAKE: We’re starting to see good fishing around the creek mouths & spring areas. Strip leeches & still-water nymphs or hang a chironomid under a small indicator or grasshopper. The Lake will only improve as the water cools and we move toward cooler day/night time temperatures. 



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