Report 8/5/16

‘The world is big enough and the possibilities are huge, so pack the bag and get lost” ~ Jerril Thomas Abraham

This mid-summer heat has commanded anglers to start early, nest in for a siesta, then finish up during the magic hours just before the twilight. Both windows offer the best opportunity to wrassle those wile Henry’s Fork trout. The lion’s share of hot afternoon hours are best spent cuddled up to a Last Chance burger and a cold beer. Early and late fishin’ missions also facilitate more copacetic traffic movement, and the strongest bug activity. Travel wide to see more – and catch more. The dog days are upon us. It’s hot and dry, so make sure your campfires are dead out.

BOX CANYON: She’s still chugging between 1,350 – 1,450cfs. Fishing has remained solid with heavy nymph rigs fished close to the bottom. Try a bigger attractor or stonefly nymph followed up with a smaller bead head. The golden stone action has slowed, but hungry trout won’t soon forget these calorie rich nuggets, still a legitimate approach and more fun than bird doggin’ a bobber all day. Add a dropper to spice up your presentation. Fish shaped streamers will move big ones.

PELICAN ROCK TO WOOD ROAD: She’s tricky.  It seems some days it’s location and others it’s just down right stubborn, but the good days are beginning to outnumber the bad. Pack caddis, pmd, trico, callibaetis, black ant, honey ant, beetles and hoppers. Drink plenty of cool cool water, it’s hot and dry out there. Handle those trout with care and release them fast, their having a harsh enough time already.

WARM RIVER TO ASHTON: She’s a fun float with plenty of action. Combo up with two bead heads or go ultra deep with a big heavy rubber leg. Throw big foam at the bank or rip a streamer around during cooler low light hours. Dry dropper is twice the fun. Drink plenty of H2O. Caddis. Hopper. Cricket. Brown trout.

LOWER RIVER: The water’s too warm to effectively fish, fight or release these trout. Best to let ’em rest for cooler days. The thrill is gone away.

THE MADISON: Fiery hot fishing has slowed to a rolling boil. Same story over there – fish early and late. Dawn patrol with a streamer might rightly connect with a monster. After that, throw dries, or dry dropper or fish two heavy nymphs. Spinners. Caddis. Hoppers, beetles and ants. Spanish bead heads. 

HENRY’S LAKE: Try a wooly bugger or a big snow cone midge. A streamer, a leech or a scud. A caddis, a mayfly or a mouse. A renegade, a damsel or a dragon fly. Cool deeper water harbors higher concentrations of fat trout. Bring plenty of sun protection and water. Bring a Frisbee or some lawn darts for when the fishing turns slow.

MONTANA LAKES: Great dry fly fishing during those prime time spinner falls. It seems the trout have finally pointed their noses upward.  Cast callibaetis, caddis, moths, or any old hopper, beetle or ant. Strip a hares ear or pheasant tail, maybe a big dark leech. When the wind howls, bust out a damsel, hopper or cicada and hold on. Present hopper-dropper rigs to deep pockets in the weeds.

YNP: Dry fly nirvana. Pull a two day’r over to the NE corner and hit the Yellowstone on your way. Have a good selection of terrestrials and  mayfly spinners and you’ll do fine. Those big Yellowstone cutts get stupid for black beetle and ant patterns. Depart early to avoid pre fishing bison jams and lobotomized tourons. Carry bear spray and drink plenty of water.

Check in with the shop staff for up to the minute updates on hatches, flow, and advice.  TroutHunter offers the finest flies, strongest tippet, best food, drink, a huge selection of terminal tackle, under wader wear and hard core outerwear. Drop in if you’re passin’ through or settle in for an extended stay. See ya soon!