If you are bored enough to check out our webcam you have probably noticed it’s not exactly winter by Island Park standards. Perhaps if you live in another part of the northern hemisphere you may be experiencing a wildfire or an atmospheric river. Hopefully, you are safe and lucky enough to only see environmental indications that the earth is still turning as it always has and Thanksgiving will be here tomorrow.
But what does that even mean anymore? I took the easiest possible route someone with a computer could take and asked AI. It appears to be a compound word comprised of “Thank” and “sgiving”. The first word is obvious to most but I bet the pilgrims were using it ironically, like “Who should we thank for getting us into this mess.”
I was pretty sure “sgiving” isn’t a common word but more like one of those old English things like “Ye Olde Cobbler Shoppe”. AI agrees that it is slang and likely an ignorantly intentional misspelling of “giving.” Such parlance, particularly on social media, means something that strongly conveys a particular vibe, aesthetic, or feeling. I imagine a Wampanoag saying to another tribe member, “These Pilgrims are sgiving me a bad feeling.”
So this week we can celebrate the 1621 pilgrim vibe by wondering what we are thankful for anyway.
We at TroutHunter are thankful for you folks sgiving us your support. We promise not to pound your inbox with Black Friday emails, but give us a holler if we can help you figure out something for the angler in your life, or what your non-angler should be giving the angler in their life. TroutHunter will closed for Thanksgiving but we will be back on Monday with a lunch pail full of leftovers.

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