Year: 2008

  • It’s a Family Affair

    Okay, so I apologize for the lack of an update for a couple months, but you try running 70-something trips to date in your first year of guiding full time and see if your fingers want to type at the end of the day. Between rowing and tying and UNTYING knots, I’ll seriously wager a…

  • Hooky at Sheridan

    Dawn on a day in mid August felt more like September as Rich and I made our way west on Yale Kilgore road. Smoke hung low over the Centennial Range mixing with dust from the fire crews assigned to manage the Willow Creek fire. Crowding the shoulder, I allowed plenty of clearance for more than…

  • Kashmir

    When I awoke to the morning call to prayer I realized that Island Park, Idaho was a long way away. It had taken us 32 hours of travel including an obligatory wide stance photo op at the stall made infamous by Idaho Senator Larry Craig. This celebration of absurdity prompted the first brush…

  • The Ranch Experience

    More than five decades separate my first float through the Harriman Ranch and a pleasant July morning in 2008. An invitation to join my TroutHunter partner Rich Paini and his fellow Henry’s Fork Foundation Board member Robert Dotson was too tempting to refuse given recent reports of exceptional…

  • A Team Effort

    A Team Effort

    My appreciation for Tennessee grew tremendously following my latest guiding experience. My fondness for the state was previously based solely on a gentleman named Jack Daniels but now I have two more reasons, Trey and Jared. Trey played ball for the Broncos, Jets, and Bills as a center, and Jared…

  • Salmonflies & Dog Food

    Each Spring Rene, Marty and I manage to get out on the water in late May for a few hours. The ritual, which is always met with great anticipation, is predictable: We meet at TroutHunter and buy a few gigantic orange flies, proceed to the Grubstake to load up on Natty Lites and ice, then…

  • Interview with an Osprey

    After returning from their winter habits, the Osprey have just recently began to return the Henry’s Fork. One was kind enough to take a break from trout hunting in Last Chance Run to perch up with us and answer a few questions. FNR: ( Forkin News Reporter): Where did you grow up? Osprey: Over…