Month: August 2022

  • A Beautiful River

    A Beautiful River

    I fished a beautiful river today.With slow, clear, current gliding over lush green vegetation, the Henry’s Fork flows in stark contrast with the conditions that dominated all of July and early August. For weeks, high and murky water concealed trout feeding almost exclusively beneath the…

  • Report 8/9/22

    Hi all. Hope you’ve had a great week and were able to get outside. Good news first: outflow from IP Reservoir has decreased from 1500 to about 800 cfs this week and will hopefully hold steady for a spell. Clarity has improved dramatically as well. It’s been very un-summery the last couple of…

  • Report 8/1/22

    Hi all! Sorry I missed you last week, was down and out with Covid and not in the loop at all. But I’m back for another couple of weeks before I have to head to school. Booooo. We are in full on summer mode right now, but it looks like we are going to get…