Report 5/29/15

“Good news is rare these days, and every glittering ounce of it should be cherished and hoarded and worshipped and fondled like a priceless diamond” – Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

The news is good my fishy friends, and the Henry’s Fork, in all its majestic glory, is full to the brim with it. The good news occurs as an efflorescence of life remodels our little utopia into a potpourri of smells, colors and energy unsurpassed in the angling cosmos. The bugs are thick, the trout are fat and those stricken with the dry fly addiction couldn’t be more overjoyed. From Salmon Flies and Golden Stones. To caddis, March browns, baetis and terrestrials; an angler can spend the lion’s share of daylight hours bouncing from one promising hatch to another. There are PMD’s and green drakes on the horizon as well, and that only sends the already frenzied energy into the next stratosphere! It’s a great time to be here, so what are you waiting for? Get here now for outstanding fishing, top shelf comradery and the finest eye candy available. Here’s what’s happening in and around Henry’s Fork country.

BOX CANYON: 375cfs. It’s a pretty skinny flow for boat float, but the walk wade angler can score. Those mighty stoneflies, pteronarcys, are in full swing. Look for these gargantuan bugs to take flight and hit the water during the warmer/sunnier parts of the day. Once they start hitting the water, those bodacious box canyon rainbows go absolutely bonkers. Present big hairy imitations to heavy middle river seams, pockets and slicks. Add a big rubber leg dropper to really clean up. In addition, have a good selections of smaller bead head nymphs and big streamers to round out the day.

LAST CHANCE HONEY HOLES: The trout through this little stretch of river will fall victim to salmon flies, but hunting them with caddis, BWO’s and March browns is much more rewarding. Find a good trout rising, assess the situation, make your approach and execute an accurate drag free presentation. During non-hatch down time, watch for sporadically feeding trout and target them with small terrestrial patterns such as ants and beetles.

CANYON STRETCH: The big bugs have been mighty thick through this rough sector of the Henry’s Fork. Those willing to put forth the effort to get down in the canyon will be greeted with fat hungry trout gorging on huge salmon fly and golden stone patterns. It’s dry fly paradise, get some!

WARM RIVER TO ASHTON: The salmon flies are winding down here, but the golden stones have taken their place. A dry dropper rig with a big rubber leg is still a top producer and mixing things up with smaller bead head midge, mayfly and caddis imitations will surely bring fine results. Big articulated streamers are still producing fine specimens.

LOWER RIVER: The big salmon flies are waning, but as with the WR-A section, the golden stones are filling in the gaps. In addition, we’re still seeing strong baetis, March brown and caddis activity. The PMD’s and green drakes will get going soon and that’s really something to look forward too. A little deep water nymphing never disappoints. Have a good selection of stonefly, mayfly and caddis life cycle patterns in the box. Those robust lower river trout have a hard time passing up big streamer patterns and it’s a fun way to mix things up.

HENRY’S LAKE: Henry’s is fishing well. The trout are concentrated in shallow water and around the creek mouths. A selection of buggers, leeches, chironomids and still water nymph patterns will all work right now. Mix things up and strip a mouse pattern around, you might be pleasantly surprised. The fishing here should remain strong over the next few weeks.