Unique Last Chance Acreage

Announcing a rare opportunity to own nearly 6 prime acres of Island Park real estate.
Located in the Last Chance area, this unique parcel is comprised of 2 lots of approximately 3 acres each. It borders  U.S. Forest Service land on one side and is situated about 400 yards from the Henry’s Fork.

While largely meadow, the lots contain plenty of Aspen and Lodge Pole trees. A lovely spring heads on the west edge and courses along the southern boundary.

The price for the property is open for negotiation, and the owner will consider all offers.

We wouldn’t usually advertise property on this site but a good friend of TroutHunter owns it. It is the
largest residential parcel in Last Chance. Be rest assured that we
have no financial incentive – we’d just like to see this special property stay in the “family” and go to someone who will enjoy it.

For more information contact:
Rich Paini at 208-558-9900 or rich@trouthunt.com
René Harrop at 208-558-9262 or hoh@ida.net