Author: Jon Stiehl

  • President’s Day Weekend Update

    29th Annual Eastern Idaho Fly Tying Expo The fishing calendar is about to get started but first, there is the Fly Tying Expo at the Mountain America Center in Idaho Falls. Friday and Saturday, we are blowing out what is left of the 2024 inventory including a fantastic fly sale. All styles of flies are…

  • We’re back December 26

    Island Park is starting to come back to life after a short hibernation. There were fresh groomer tracks this morning! There isn’t much snow yet, so treks to the river are easier than years past, but luckily more snow is on the way. I’ve even heard we may be in store for an atmospheric river…

  • Thanksgiving Thoughts

    If you are bored enough to check out our webcam you have probably noticed it’s not exactly winter by Island Park standards. Perhaps if you live in another part of the northern hemisphere you may be experiencing a wildfire or an atmospheric river. Hopefully, you are safe and lucky enough to only see environmental indications…

  • Ranch Opener – a History

    Ranch Opener – a History

    Ranch Opener PartyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to navigationJump to searchThis article is about the party. For other uses, see (self promotion)Ranch Opener Party (RPO) refers to the events surrounding the anticipation of the annual opening of Harriman State Park to…

  • Report 7/19/16

    As I was sitting on the bench behind the shop this morning, I almost spit my coffee out. Through what for the past few weeks had been a depressing murk, I was able to see the river bottom. I was so shocked I had to brave the the road construction on highway 20 and drive…

  • Report 9/23/15

    Report 9/23/15

    BOX CANYON: Flows in the Box are currently 218cfs. The nymph fishing through the canyon has been solid and with these flows this is an excellent time to do some rare wading in the Box this time of year. Small rubberleg patterns with small bead head nymphs off the back will assure some hook…

  • Bear Attack

    Rich and I walked from his house at about 6am for a morning of chasing elk. We headed in to the woods behind his house with the intent of using the power line as a quiet route from which we had hoped to hear a bugle or two. The morning was generally uneventful other than…

  • Jon Siehl Interview

    Originally posted in The Drake. Written by Geoff Mueller Last Chance, ID [Last Friday we posted a short piece on Last Chance, Idaho, flyshop, The TroutHunter. Co-owner Jon "The Animal" Stiehl joins us today, filling you in on the dirt: High times, low times, drunken A-Bar debates, scraps…

  • Kashmir

    When I awoke to the morning call to prayer I realized that Island Park, Idaho was a long way away. It had taken us 32 hours of travel including an obligatory wide stance photo op at the stall made infamous by Idaho Senator Larry Craig. This celebration of absurdity prompted the first brush…

  • Interview with an Osprey

    After returning from their winter habits, the Osprey have just recently began to return the Henry’s Fork. One was kind enough to take a break from trout hunting in Last Chance Run to perch up with us and answer a few questions. FNR: ( Forkin News Reporter): Where did you grow up? Osprey: Over…