• When options for fishing opportunity become the topic of interest, October could easily rank near the top for planning time on the water in Henry’s Fork country.With no seasonal closure as an obstacle and most rivers and lakes in excellent…

  • With daylight hours shrinking noticeably and the shoulder temperatures of each day matching similar decline, you can sense the change.Fall comes early in the high country and the signs of its approach have now begun to appear. Changing colors in…

  • Hi all! This will be my last full report for the summer as I’m taking a couple of weeks of play time before I head back to the classroom. Thanks for all of your positive feedback and comments; it is…

  • With a hard frost virtually certain in every month of the year and a vagrant snow storm equally likely, summer at high elevation in Henry’s Fork country is known to be pathetically short. With that in mind, the weather pattern…

  • Greetings, all. Short and sweet this week! We hope your summer is rolling along nicely. It’s been a busy busy summer around here. It remains very warm around these parts and, unfortunately, much of Southwest Montana and all moving water…

  • Well, we made it through the 4th of July weekend without any major hitches (kitchen grill motor failure aside). It was busy but not too crazy with no firework shows, high water, etc. Irrigation demands downriver bumped the outflow to…

  • Happy Fourth! Hard to believe it’s already July. Conditions have changed quite a bit since the last report. The river has come up and fishing has slowed down up here in the Last Chance area. It’s been pretty tough sledding…

  • Happy Weekend, all! We’ve had a brief return to normalcy weatherwise around here the last few days with afternoon showers and thunderstorms rolling in and cooling things off and dropping some much needed moisture on us. That said, we’re looking…

  • In a year when mountain snowpack has failed to reach ideal level, concern for our fisheries has been the understandable response in the Henry’s Fork community. With the expectation of lower-than-normal runoff, water managers have meticulously regulated release from Island…

  • Greeting friends! Here we go again. Summer is in full swing: the rivers are busy, the shop and restaurant are bustling, and we’ve been seeing mid-80 temperatures this week (which is waaaaaaaay too early).Here’s the newest email from Jamie at…