• Summer has arrived here in Island Park — finally. While the cooler temps and clouds were great for fishing, it’s been nice to see the sun. (We’ll probably be praying for clouds and rain in a week or two). With…

  • As a year-round resident of the Henry’s Fork, I am given opportunity to access its riches in all seasons. Because there is more to existence than fishing, the quality of life in this remote community also hinges on a unique…

  • It’s been a wild weather week here on the caldera. Started out sunny and warm with highs near 80, and it’s currently 40 degrees and raining at high noon. It does NOT feel like July out there, but it looks…

  • Another successful Ranch Opener has come and gone. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to host our annual hog roast and band thanks to Covid, but were still able to catch up with old friends on the back porch here at TroutHunter…

  • While the Henry’s Fork offers plenty of spring fishing opportunities in the form of midges, baetis, caddis, and rithrogenia, it is the annual emergence of the Pteronarcys californica, aka the giant salmonfly, which occupies the hopes and dreams of local…

  • It is with caution that the Henry’s Fork fishing community has emerged from the strict limitations enacted by the State of Idaho in response to COVID-19. Long considered to be the unofficial beginning of summer, the Memorial Day Weekend was…

  • There is nothing unusual in the gradual building of human activity along Last Chance Run on the Henry’s Fork when winter finally nears an end at nearly seven thousand feet elevation. It is normally April before snow bound water rested…

  • Rick reports from the Spoon where he is sheltering in place:I want to take a moment to thank those individuals who are potentially risking their own health in order to make ours safer and more tolerable during these difficult times.…

  • Though not without lingering snow and chilling temperatures at times, the long journey to spring through another Henry’s Fork winter has reached an end. This proclamation is based upon the signs of awakening observed along the river rather than a…

  • While far from bearing significant characteristics of real spring, the arrival of March brings a sense or release from the suppression of deep winter on the Henry’s Fork. With daylight stretching toward twelve hours, which exceeds a December or January…