• March: In like a Lion – Out like a Double Bunny? From: A-Bar Warming Hut Location: Exactly 6.7 miles East of the Continental Divide (6,250’) Words: Chris "Grizz" Andelin Images: Bryan Gregson Photography Autumn arrives in early morning, but spring…

  • As I go outside to start my truck, the morning air is damn cold, the kind of biting cold that freezes my nostrils when I breathe in, and leaves my breath frozen to my beard. Add to that cold a…

  • No year-end summary would ever be complete without describing how water, in its various forms, affected the fishing during a season that has just ended. On the Henry’s Fork it begins with the snow pack which combines with water carried…

  • From: TroutHunter Field Desk Mid-Jan, 2012 Location: Beautiful downtown Last Chance, Idaho One kind word can warm three winter months. ~Japanese Proverb In our case, here in Last Chance, we may need a few more kind words to warm us…

  • Rich and I walked from his house at about 6am for a morning of chasing elk. We headed in to the woods behind his house with the intent of using the power line as a quiet route from which we…

  • Where I grew up in Connecticut, the expression, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb,” generally holds true. As does the old saying that, "April showers bring May flowers.” I would imagine that there are…

  • Originally posted in The Drake. Written by Geoff Mueller Last Chance, ID [Last Friday we posted a short piece on Last Chance, Idaho, flyshop, The TroutHunter. Co-owner Jon "The Animal" Stiehl joins us today, filling you in on the dirt:…

  • The mood of the Henry’s Fork community in May of 2010 was one of cautious expectation and optimism. With a new season directly ahead all visible signs were positive with regard to the health of the fishery. 2009 had ended…

  • Observing the Henry’s Fork through the winter of 2009/2010 has been vastly different from the previous two years. Comparatively modest snowfall and mild temperatures provided unusual comfort to all river dependent creatures both aquatic and otherwise. Wintering whitetail deer were…

  • How infatuated are TroutHunter guides with the Henry’s Fork? Well, if it’s any indication, last August 1st I became no less than the sixth member of the TH family to be married in a streamside ceremony. Rich and Millie Paini,…